Small-Cap Value Stocks

Small-cap value has been one of the best performing investing styles over time. The combination of buying stocks that are cheap and underfollowed has been a powerful one for long-term investors. Below are the cheapest small-cap value stocks in our database using our value composite, which combines the P/E Ratio, Price/Sales, Price/Cash Flow, Price/Book, EV/EBITDA and shareholder yield.

Cheapest Small-Cap Value Stocks

Ticker Price Market Cap
INT $23.92 $1,515
ATI $9.17 $1,161
OPY $20.60 $262
GNW $2.15 $1,086
BKD $2.92 $535
CPA $42.43 $1,794
TX $14.76 $2,898
CNO $15.67 $2,250
QEP $1.88 $455
KRA $18.36 $585
REGI $28.33 $1,106
LPG $8.88 $451
VRS $12.87 $435
DFIN $8.38 $283
HCC $16.45 $842
XRX $15.86 $3,377
ODP $22.20 $1,168
TALO $7.10 $464
BTU $3.30 $322
NMRK $4.29 $765
TDS $19.78 $2,122
DHT $5.77 $848
AMCX $23.41 $1,218
ACCO $6.99 $660
PAM $11.42 $1,187
ADS $45.43 $2,164
UNM $18.19 $3,700
CRS $23.55 $1,126
BIG $40.52 $1,590
HVT $13.96 $262
SBGI $20.44 $1,638
USM $30.32 $2,588
GIII $11.59 $557
GCO $17.31 $254
AGO $22.65 $1,969
RDN $14.80 $2,818
PRIM $16.76 $809
HFC $27.74 $4,491
BPOP $38.72 $3,260
AR $3.08 $827
MTW $11.42 $394
ASIX $12.06 $338
BBAR $4.44 $1,463
TNK $15.56 $524
ARCH $31.92 $483
FRO $8.31 $1,605
FBM $14.43 $623
PUMP $5.69 $574
CURO $7.34 $299
CRTO $12.88 $794
CPF $15.60 $439
DAN $12.89 $1,862
MYRG $33.50 $559
WDR $14.85 $974
SCS $11.04 $1,267
AEL $25.90 $2,371
BPFH $6.16 $505
APOG $22.72 $599
SF $49.38 $3,382
GBX $27.94 $914
KBAL $11.23 $414
MTG $8.12 $2,749
RCII $29.96 $1,612
FFBC $14.26 $1,398
TGP $11.46 $1,011
GEF $37.36 $1,907
RGP $11.28 $363
ELP $12.53 $3,445
AN $54.15 $4,723
WCC $40.43 $2,022
BMA $23.05 $2,444
SANM $25.84 $1,762
BKU $20.50 $1,894
VRTV $16.43 $261
ENVA $15.33 $461
VEON $1.72 $3,066
INSW $17.89 $516
GHC $411.42 $2,155
HAYN $21.75 $273
WD $51.05 $1,589
HY $39.74 $667
BZH $11.38 $353
TKC $5.38 $4,769
FL $30.97 $3,228
CMC $20.99 $2,499
MDP $14.62 $793
MTX $49.63 $1,693
SCSC $23.07 $585
MHO $41.93 $1,196
ANAT $73.86 $1,986
TRTN $32.33 $2,221
GEL $7.13 $874
CLS $7.99 $880
YPF $6.47 $4,116
FDP $24.22 $1,156
KAR $15.17 $1,960
IVZ $10.60 $4,864
GTS $20.25 $482
BRFS $4.25 $3,436
HOLI $12.08 $731
NWLI $200.40 $729
SNV $21.06 $3,102
BHF $29.12 $2,733
NAVI $8.18 $1,587
OMF $28.98 $3,893
ERF $2.58 $572
SIG $12.28 $643
UFS $21.78 $1,202
EIG $33.33 $976
CSIQ $22.77 $1,344
PPC $16.21 $4,000
FBC $31.49 $1,793
GPI $89.12 $1,620
DXPE $17.74 $314
TCBI $33.66 $1,698
GGAL $12.32 $2,318
THG $101.00 $3,838
MTZ $39.89 $2,942
ASB $13.48 $2,072
MCS $14.45 $449
EZPW $5.86 $323
KBH $34.32 $3,107
STC $42.38 $1,004
UVV $42.27 $1,035
SWM $33.33 $1,040
NCR $19.05 $2,435
EBF $17.62 $459
ETH $11.98 $300
KOP $26.10 $548
HNI $30.56 $1,304
TIGO $28.51 $2,607
MTOR $23.91 $1,728
HAFC $9.53 $292
CMRE $4.78 $573
GCAP $6.09 $230
GLDD $8.53 $553
VHC $4.96 $351
ARCB $31.00 $783
HMHC $2.68 $336
ISBC $8.77 $2,194
ATKR $27.79 $1,311
BCEI $18.28 $380
EAF $6.09 $1,627
MIK $7.59 $1,118
HZO $29.55 $639
CNSL $6.07 $443
FULT $9.96 $1,611
CATY $25.20 $2,005
WMK $52.55 $1,414
SYKE $27.59 $1,118
DSSI $9.00 $364
Performance Disclaimer: Returns presented on are model returns and do not represent actual trading. As a result, they do not incorporate any commissions or other trading costs or fees. Model portfolios with inception dates on or after 12/30/2005 include a combination of back tested and live model returns. The back-tested performance results shown are hypothetical and are not the result of real-time management of actual accounts. The back-testing of performance differs from actual account performance because the investment strategy may be adjusted at any time, for any reason and can continue to be changed until desired or better performance results are achieved. Back-tested returns are presented to provide general information regarding how the underlying strategy behind the portfolio performed in our historical testing. A back-tested strategy has the benefit of hindsight and the results do not reflect the impact that material economic or market factors may have had on advisor's decision-making if actual client assets were being managed using this approach.

Optimal portfolios presented on represent the rebalancing period that has led to the best historical performance for each of our equity models. Each optimal portfolio was determined after the fact with performance information that was not available at portfolio inception. As a result, an investor could not have invested in the optimal portfolio since its inception. Optimal portfolios are presented to allow investors to quickly determine the portfolio size and rebalancing period that has performed best for each of our models in our historical testing.

Both the model portfolio and benchmark returns presented for all equity portfolios on are not inclusive of dividends. Returns for our ETF portfolios and trend following system, and the benchmarks they are compared to, are inclusive of dividends. The S&P 500 is presented as a benchmark because it is the most widely followed benchmark of the overall US market and is most often used by investors for return comparison purposes. As with any investment strategy, there is potential for profit as well as the possibility of loss and investors may incur a loss despite a past history of gains. Past performance does not guarantee future results. Results will vary with economic and market conditions.