Earnings Yield Investor Strategy Explanation Video
Since 2005, this portfolio has returned 79.6%, underperforming the market by 78.0% using its optimal tax efficient rebalancing period and 20 stock portfolio size.
This value model looks for companies with high return on capital and earnings yields.
Year | Portfolio | S&P 500 |
2005 | -2.2% | -1.3% |
2006 | 17.1% | 13.6% |
2007 | 10.8% | 3.5% |
2008 | -23.9% | -38.5% |
2009 | 50.3% | 23.5% |
2010 | 4.4% | 12.8% |
Year | Portfolio | S&P 500 |
2011 | -28.2% | -0.0% |
2012 | 4.7% | 13.4% |
2013 | 58.7% | 29.6% |
2014 | 5.3% | 11.4% |
2015 | -10.3% | -0.7% |
2016 | 4.4% | 9.5% |
Year | Portfolio | S&P 500 |
2017 | 6.7% | 19.4% |
2018 | -18.2% | -6.2% |
2019 | 21.9% | 28.9% |
2020 YTD | -5.2% | 0.9% |
The Earnings Yield Investor portfolio is based on the published writings of Joel Greenblatt
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