Validea's videos provide a detailed look at our investing system and the tools we offer on the site as well as the principles of factor investing.
This momentum model looks for a combination of fundamental momentum and price momentum.
This growth model looks for low book-to-market stocks that exhibit characteristics associated with sustained future growth.
This strategy looks for small cap growth stocks with solid fundamentals and strong price performance.
This strategy seeks out firms with long-term, predictable profitability and low debt that trade at reasonable valuations.
This multi-factor model seeks low volatility stocks that also have strong momentum and high net payout yields.
This strategy looks for stocks trading at a reasonable price relative to earnings growth that also possess strong balance sheets.
This deep value methodology screens for stocks that have low P/B and P/E ratios, along with low debt and solid long-term earnings growth.
This value-quant strategy screens for high book-to-market stocks, and then separates out financially sound firms by looking at a host of improving financial criteria.
This strategy looks for growth stocks with persistent accelerating earnings and sales growth, reasonable valuations and low debt.
This value model looks for companies with high return on capital and earnings yields.
This contrarian strategy finds the most unpopular mid- and large-cap stocks in the market and looks for improving fundamentals.
This strategy looks for firms with persistent earnings growth that trade at a discount relative to their earnings growth and dividend yield.
This value strategy rewards stocks with low P/S ratios, long-term profit growth, strong free cash flow and consistent profit margins.
This two strategy approach offers a large-cap value model and a growth approach that looks for persistent earnings growth and strong relative strength.
This value strategy looks for inexpensive stocks using a composite of value factors.
This momentum model looks for stocks with strong and consistent intermediate-term relative performance.
This leveraged small-cap value model seeks firms that have the characteristics of successful private equity investments.