Top Performing Stock Models
Guru Based on | Number Of Stocks |
Rebalancing | Annual Return |
Dashan Huang | 10 | Monthly | 23.2% |
Meb Faber | 10 | Quarterly | 23.3% |
Partha Mohanram | 10 | Tax Efficient | 16.9% |
James O'Shaughnessy | 10 | Tax Efficient | 21.9% |
Motley Fool | 10 | Tax Efficient | 16.0% |
Wayne Thorp | 10 | Monthly | 20.0% |
Patrick O'Shaughnessy | 10 | Monthly | 18.6% |
Validea | 10 | Monthly | 12.9% |
Benjamin Graham | 10 | Annual | 12.8% |
Martin Zweig | 20 | Tax Efficient | 12.7% |
Top Performing ETF Models
Portfolio | Annual Return |
Benchmark |
Factor Rotation - Momentum with Trend | 14.3% | 10.2% |
Factor Rotation - Composite with Trend | 14.1% | 10.2% |
Factor Rotation - Momentum | 12.9% | 10.2% |
Factor Rotation - Composite | 12.3% | 10.2% |
Factor Rotation - Macro with Trend | 11.6% | 10.2% |
By Justin Carbonneau (@jjcarbonneau)
Market events and periods of time bring about new terms, definitions and areas of focus and importance for investors. One generation of investors may grow up using one set of terms, but over time, these change and evolve, and this is more likely to happen during major market events and during periods where both fear and greed are accentuated.9/8/2021
By Jack Forehand, CFA, CFP® (@practicalquant)
There has always been an interesting dichotomy with the quality factor. On one hand, individual investors typically consider it the most sensible factor and it is the one they are most naturally drawn to. And that makes complete sense. When you suggest value to investors, they typically point out that most value stocks are not the greatest companies. When you suggest momentum, they wonder why they would buy a stock just because it has gone up. When you suggest low volatility, you get similar concerns about it not being tied to company fundamentals. But when you suggest investing in quality businesses, investors seem to be almost universally attracted to the idea.