Momentum Stocks

Momentum exposure measures how well a stock has performed. We measure both price momentum (how much the stock has gone up relative to its peers) and fundamental momentum (how fast its underlying business has been growing). To measure price momentum, we use the 12-1 return, which is a stock's return in the past 12 months, excluding the most recent month. The most recent month is excluded because short-term momentum often tends to reverse, so excluding it provides a better momentum signal.

Stocks With Highest Momentum Factor Exposure

Ticker Price Market Cap
DXLG $5.48 $347
AMC $27.72 $14,247
NLST $6.16 $1,398
GME $146.46 $11,203
CAR $210.31 $11,871
SAVA $44.50 $1,781
AEHR $22.16 $588
VTNR $4.43 $280
AMTX $12.14 $404
VRTV $117.74 $1,718
DDS $251.84 $5,191
AMEH $71.53 $3,973
UAN $82.71 $883
SBOW $23.43 $344
UPST $148.97 $12,209
SM $30.43 $3,696
CLMT $12.22 $961
WFRD $27.73 $1,946
PDSB $7.76 $221
LXU $10.95 $973
IDT $44.01 $1,134
BNGO $3.08 $889
ORMP $12.98 $494
BTU $10.69 $1,362
HMHC $16.29 $2,080
BBW $17.99 $289
TGLS $26.37 $1,257
RRD $10.63 $775
METC $12.27 $541
LC $24.78 $2,475
GSM $6.40 $1,198
STKS $12.85 $413
CDEV $6.28 $1,784
EXPR $3.07 $206
GRIN $16.79 $322
SD $10.74 $394
CPE $52.50 $2,894
PRTA $45.70 $2,129
SIG $81.47 $4,287
ASAN $74.68 $13,734
INMD $70.60 $5,393
NTP $10.76 $422
AR $18.77 $5,892
ASPN $50.90 $1,684
AVXL $17.73 $1,348
DAC $70.09 $1,444
CEIX $24.03 $829
SMID $47.63 $248
DVAX $14.20 $1,703
KRUS $77.58 $753
TMST $16.62 $768
RRC $19.05 $4,949
MTDR $38.32 $4,496
THRY $41.45 $1,408
ERF $10.74 $2,569
TTI $2.76 $350
PACK $36.65 $2,983
DEN $75.32 $3,775
JYNT $64.14 $924
PTSI $71.10 $794
CUBI $64.04 $2,076
GDYN $36.53 $2,384
CCRN $28.24 $1,073
SI $153.96 $4,595
XAIR $9.85 $262
GRTS $13.02 $885
UNFI $50.31 $2,917
CHS $4.90 $600
INVE $27.62 $613
MRNA $241.44 $97,892
SYNA $288.24 $11,320
TGA $2.96 $211
LPI $64.56 $1,040
OCGN $4.72 $940
EYPT $12.64 $415
BOOT $122.64 $3,631
BCYC $59.50 $1,749
STFC $51.64 $2,299
NMM $24.33 $750
GPRE $35.50 $1,903
CLR $45.68 $16,700
PRFT $132.32 $4,358
PHUN $2.80 $270
SITM $288.68 $5,558
DVN $44.50 $30,126
SB $3.57 $434
CDMO $29.28 $1,803
HRI $155.77 $4,618
BW $9.00 $776
AMRK $59.90 $680
ATLC $70.73 $1,068
CROX $127.35 $7,494
DFIN $46.86 $1,553
TIPT $13.53 $459
PDCE $50.41 $4,909
III $7.64 $374
MOV $41.29 $946
MCB $104.64 $1,114
FINV $4.84 $1,372
M $26.05 $7,796
TRNS $93.01 $699
WLL $66.54 $2,604
RVLV $55.34 $4,034
TBK $118.62 $2,980
DOGZ $7.68 $244
NET $132.93 $42,770
ATKR $112.02 $5,192
MGY $19.34 $4,469
ATOS $1.66 $210
HOV $130.87 $819
ROCC $28.25 $1,233
CLFD $82.90 $1,138
CIDM $1.19 $208
MRAM $11.21 $220
GDEN $49.64 $1,442
SKY $79.24 $4,501
IPI $44.78 $602
KZR $16.22 $797
HBP $10.46 $287
FLL $11.81 $404
GSKY $11.51 $2,121
OVV $33.81 $8,827
NVDA $303.22 $758,050
ARCB $120.33 $3,077
ARLP $12.01 $1,528
EVC $6.83 $583
BVH $35.01 $734
ISEE $16.00 $1,834
SBNY $324.21 $19,659
AVID $32.64 $1,470
OLN $57.69 $9,257
MRO $16.48 $12,830
WIRE $141.64 $2,869
ASIX $45.76 $1,287
BXC $91.01 $883
BGFV $19.30 $431
APEN $7.68 $303
CLDX $40.76 $1,902
CPLG $15.65 $915
FANG $110.16 $19,958
MEG $72.09 $2,126
DKS $107.39 $9,301
QFIN $21.96 $3,343
ACI $29.83 $13,934
HCI $87.10 $893
BRY $8.35 $668
RIOT $23.65 $2,757
BX $131.38 $157,417
F $20.76 $82,962
RYI $25.47 $978
COKE $612.02 $5,737
ASO $40.97 $3,831
ENTA $75.01 $1,525
BBIG $2.53 $246
NMRK $18.10 $3,847
FTNT $366.00 $59,841
NUE $114.45 $32,710
DSX $3.84 $351
CALX $68.41 $4,362
EGLE $42.88 $583
TBBK $25.05 $1,427
ACLS $71.42 $2,379
AA $59.19 $11,075
MUR $26.54 $4,099
CVE $12.39 $24,179
GCO $62.54 $945
BILL $242.60 $24,880
OPRX $60.73 $1,079
ERJ $17.34 $3,224
TRGP $52.34 $11,984
FLGT $97.28 $2,902
RM $58.07 $598
CPRX $7.07 $729
NAVI $21.55 $3,473
CCB $50.93 $612
CAMT $44.97 $1,972
BAK $20.31 $8,024
CPLP $15.98 $298
GNK $15.20 $637
CAN $4.92 $840
HUBS $666.16 $31,476
DDD $21.31 $2,737
IT $332.84 $27,372
FC $46.50 $664
ANAT $188.47 $5,067
GT $21.32 $5,997
SCVL $39.74 $1,119
SKT $19.38 $2,015
OMP $23.17 $1,127
TDC $44.05 $4,779
SFBS $88.12 $4,777
WRLD $253.87 $1,701
SUM $40.27 $4,775
PLYM $30.77 $1,065
WSM $167.66 $12,468
CRK $8.75 $2,038
HAFC $23.44 $713
SEAS $65.60 $5,069
GSL $21.67 $785
SC $42.28 $12,942
INSE $12.56 $294
DAVA $167.03 $9,353
HLIO $102.84 $3,332
ATH $84.40 $16,217
LAND $33.27 $1,138
CATO $16.92 $373
MYRG $107.52 $1,814
CCO $3.34 $1,572
GOGL $8.90 $1,784
KOPN $4.02 $371
CACC $680.00 $9,887
ANGO $28.37 $1,097
ARCH $92.04 $1,410
TLYS $15.99 $495
DBI $14.24 $1,045
IIIN $39.94 $775
ESTE $11.52 $1,010
THC $80.14 $8,585
XENE $31.50 $1,625
MNRL $21.43 $1,217
ESTA $63.13 $1,515
LOB $88.78 $3,872
CRTO $38.21 $2,320
SIVB $681.07 $39,970
ON $68.32 $29,435
AMTB $34.84 $1,012
LNTH $30.02 $2,029
KKR $76.73 $66,037
LIFE $7.40 $206
GMS $59.12 $2,551
ONTO $99.52 $4,904
ACRS $14.64 $896
SPG $157.77 $51,845
NXRT $81.53 $2,059
PLCE $79.28 $1,167
CRAI $94.50 $702
NVAX $155.84 $11,783
ENLC $6.72 $3,279
ANF $34.33 $2,028
APTS $16.48 $873
IDYA $23.05 $887
CYTK $45.54 $3,820
GNRC $348.18 $21,967
NTLA $119.56 $8,898
EXTR $16.02 $2,081
WAL $107.61 $11,213
PERI $23.89 $1,032
WBT $23.81 $3,388
AN $112.74 $7,389
SWAV $177.75 $6,275
GEL $10.65 $1,305
RRR $52.65 $6,038
LPX $78.09 $6,871
BNED $6.58 $342
SAIA $330.19 $8,696
BLU $7.64 $817
FIX $99.39 $3,582
VNOM $21.96 $3,729
CRNX $26.99 $1,282
PXLW $4.77 $250
Performance Disclaimer: Returns presented on are model returns and do not represent actual trading. As a result, they do not incorporate any commissions or other trading costs or fees. Model portfolios with inception dates on or after 12/30/2005 include a combination of back tested and live model returns. The back-tested performance results shown are hypothetical and are not the result of real-time management of actual accounts. The back-testing of performance differs from actual account performance because the investment strategy may be adjusted at any time, for any reason and can continue to be changed until desired or better performance results are achieved. Back-tested returns are presented to provide general information regarding how the underlying strategy behind the portfolio performed in our historical testing. A back-tested strategy has the benefit of hindsight and the results do not reflect the impact that material economic or market factors may have had on advisor's decision-making if actual client assets were being managed using this approach. The model portfolios offered on Validea are concentrated and as a result they will exhibit high levels of volatility and their performance can be substantially impacted by the performance of individual positions.

Optimal portfolios presented on represent the rebalancing period that has led to the best historical performance for each of our equity models. Each optimal portfolio was determined after the fact with performance information that was not available at portfolio inception. As a result, an investor could not have invested in the optimal portfolio since its inception. Optimal portfolios are presented to allow investors to quickly determine the portfolio size and rebalancing period that has performed best for each of our models in our historical testing.

Both the model portfolio and benchmark returns presented for all equity portfolios on are not inclusive of dividends. Returns for our ETF portfolios and trend following system, and the benchmarks they are compared to, are inclusive of dividends. The S&P 500 is presented as a benchmark because it is the most widely followed benchmark of the overall US market and is most often used by investors for return comparison purposes. As with any investment strategy, there is potential for profit as well as the possibility of loss and investors may incur a loss despite a past history of gains. Past performance does not guarantee future results. Results will vary with economic and market conditions.