At Validea we believe the best way to outperform the market is to follow the investment factors and strategies that have done so over long periods of time. Since 2003, our team has been dedicated to bringing the fundamental strategies of great investors and academics to the professional and retail investment communities via the tools, portfolios and research found on Validea.
Validea founder John Reese, like many investors, had always been actively involved in managing his own money. But after growing frustrated with underperforming fund managers and pundits who offered more hyperbole than help, John began conducting his own extensive research into quantitative investment strategies some 20 years ago. The goal of his research was to find strategies that had consistently outperformed the market over the long term, and which the average investor could use in a practical way. What John found was that a number of history's greatest investors, including Peter Lynch, Warren Buffett, and Benjamin Graham, had made their fortunes by using approaches that were mostly, if not completely, quantitative. He also found that there was significant academic research that identified factors and strategies that work over the long-term. After studying these published book and research papers, John used his background in computer science and artificial intelligence to develop the sophisticated yet easy-to-use factor models offered on Validea.
Our ultimate goal for is two-fold: to identify and implement the factor-based strategies with the best long-term records, and to offer investors a systematic investment framework that helps them overcome the emotions and biases that often eat away at long-term performance.
Every day, those of us who work at Validea work hard not to lose sight of John's original goal -- to make successful investing easier and more understandable and to give investors access to an investing system that gives them the best chance of generating long term outperformance over the market using the strategies of great investors.
John P. Reese - Founder
John P. Reese, founder and CEO of Validea, is the author of The Guru Investor: How to Beat the Market Using History's Best Investment Strategies and a regular columnist for Forbes and Canada's Globe & Mail. He is also the co-founder of Validea Capital Management, a money management firm for individuals and institutions. He holds a Master's of Business Administration from Harvard Business School and a Bachelor's degree in computer science from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Jack Forehand, CFA, CFP® - President
Since 2003, Jack has been co-developing Validea's guru-based models and investing system. Jack is a CFA Charterholder and a CFP® Professional and is the co-author of The Guru Investor: How to Beat the Market Using History's Best Investment Strategies. He is also co-founder of Validea Capital Management and co-host of the Excess Returns Podcast.
Justin Carbonneau - Vice President
Justin is VP of Validea, in charge of sales, partnerships and media relations and has been involved with the company since its very beginning. Justin, who holds a MBA from the University of Connecticut, was on UConn's Track & Field team and is a former member of the Connecticut Air National Guard. Justin is also one of the partners at Validea Capital Management and co-host of the Excess Returns Podcast.