Factor-Based Stock Portfolios
Guru Based on | Number Of Stocks |
Rebalancing | Annual Return |
Meb Faber | 10 | Annual | 21.1% |
James O'Shaughnessy | 10 | Tax Efficient | 19.5% |
Partha Mohanram | 10 | Monthly | 14.2% |
Dashan Huang | 10 | Monthly | 17.9% |
Motley Fool | 10 | Monthly | 12.2% |
Validea | 20 | Monthly | 15.9% |
Benjamin Graham | 10 | Annual | 11.5% |
Kenneth Fisher | 10 | Monthly | 11.1% |
Validea | 10 | Monthly | 10.9% |
Martin Zweig | 20 | Tax Efficient | 10.5% |
Factor-Based ETF Portfolios
Portfolio | Annual Return |
Benchmark |
Factor Rotation - Momentum with Trend | 11.8% | 9.2% |
Factor Rotation - Composite with Trend | 11.7% | 9.2% |
Factor Rotation - Momentum | 10.9% | 9.2% |
Factor Rotation - Composite | 10.5% | 9.2% |
Factor Rotation - Value with Trend | 9.5% | 9.2% |
By Justin Carbonneau (@jjcarbonneau)
Imagine a world where a single company has a market capitalization of $10 trillion. For reference, Apple, one of the world's most valuable companies as today, has a market cap of $2.8 trillion. And yet, if we take a step back and look at the history of corporate growth and stock market expansion, a $10 trillion company may not be as farfetched as it seems.5/11/2023
By Justin Carbonneau (@jjcarbonneau)
At the Berkshire Hathaway annual meeting over the weekend, an attendee asked Warren Buffett for his advice on achieving success in life and investing. His response was a powerful one: "You should write your obituary and then try to figure out how to live up to it." This statement inspired the idea for this article. If we, as investors, were asked to write our own investing obituary, what would it say?