Factor-Based Stock Portfolios
Guru Based on | Number Of Stocks |
Rebalancing | Annual Return |
Meb Faber | 10 | Annual | 20.5% |
Partha Mohanram | 10 | Monthly | 15.4% |
Dashan Huang | 10 | Monthly | 19.2% |
James O'Shaughnessy | 10 | Tax Efficient | 17.9% |
Motley Fool | 10 | Tax Efficient | 13.7% |
Martin Zweig | 20 | Tax Efficient | 12.6% |
Wesley Gray | 10 | Monthly | 12.3% |
Peter Lynch | 20 | Monthly | 11.9% |
Kenneth Fisher | 10 | Monthly | 11.9% |
Benjamin Graham | 10 | Annual | 11.4% |
Factor-Based ETF Portfolios
Portfolio | Annual Return |
Benchmark |
Factor Rotation - Momentum with Trend | 12.5% | 10.3% |
Factor Rotation - Composite with Trend | 12.2% | 10.3% |
Factor Rotation - Momentum | 11.6% | 10.3% |
Factor Rotation - Composite | 11.2% | 10.3% |
Factor Rotation - Macro with Trend | 10.2% | 10.3% |
Sat, 05 Oct 2024 The One Investing Lesson: Michael Mauboussin & Base Rates![]() Michael Mauboussin on the importance of base rates in investing and life. Follow Excess Returns on TikTok to hear top investing lessons from top investors, market experts and thought leaders. |
Fri, 04 Oct 2024 Top 10 High Shareholder Yield Stocks – October 2024![]() Shareholder yield is a comprehensive measure of the value a company returns to its shareholders through various means. It combines three key components: dividend yield, share repurchases, and debt reduction. Dividend yield represents the cash payments made directly to shareholders, while share repurchases increase the ownership stake of existing shareholders by reducing the number of outstanding shares. Debt reduction, although not immediately visible to shareholders, enhances the company’s financial stability and potential for future returns.… View Full Post |
Fri, 04 Oct 2024 Validea’s Market Valuation Update – October 2024![]() Here is the latest update for October from Validea’s market valuation tool. Rather than focusing on market-cap weighted indexes like the S&P 500, our tool focuses on the valuation of the average stock relative to history. We use the median of our investable universe of 2700 stocks to perform the calculation. The median stock got a little more expensive in September using the TTM PE, rising from 21 to 21.5. Using current year earnings estimates,… View Full Post |
Wed, 02 Oct 2024 Counterintuitive Investing Ideas That Could Lead to Better Performance![]() Investing presents an interesting paradox: the approaches that are most effective in attracting capital and clients often prove to be the least successful in generating optimal long-term outcomes. Common practices such as chasing recent strong performance, investing in popular stocks, and believing that successful investing must be complex may look appealing, but they rarely lead to the best long-term results. This article explores some unconventional investing strategies that, while unlikely to be used in marketing,… View Full Post |